Of course, the new lambs were the center of attention!

A local scout troop was involved with parking for the event, and they also made peach cobbler in cast iron dutch ovens over a fire. Helpings of cobbler were sold to raise money. My husband told me later how incredibly good it was. I'm not sure how he managed to buy a serving and eat it completely without me even noticing! Apparently, he didn't feel like sharing. Here is one of the scouts working a loom with dyed yarns.

The Lazy D Farm raises Angora Rabbits as well as sheep. This cuddly bunny sat in the lap of a lady who spun tufts of his shedding fur as she pet him. She would just pull off a bit here and there, then add it to her spinning.

Cullen tried washing clothes the old-fashioned way.

Some of the kids had never seen a gourd before. We enjoyed an informative talk on all the ways a dried gourd could be useful. Simple, but interesting.

Our friends, Hannah and Amber, looking through the crocheted items on display.

Cullen and his Dad were interested in the carvings and wooden toys.

This gentleman demonstrated chair caning. I wouldn't mind learning this myself!

A potter worked at her wheel alongside a booth selling some of her finished pieces.

One booth featured bees and honey-making. I almost couldn't get Cullen away from bee-watching. He has decided that he's no longer afraid of them!

My dream of having a small hobby farm was really stirred up by this outing! Maybe one day...
We thought about going but since we'd just gotten back in town from our family vacation, we kinda wanted to hang around the house. Now I'm thinking we should've gone anyway!
Let's go buy a mini farm & live on opposite ends of it! :)
Oh, sounds like a wonderful fieldtrip!
Hi, So glad you all had such a good time. Hope to see you again next year... be sure to invite your friends! - The Potter -
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