
Monday, February 4, 2013

A Very Quick Update

Finally, we are hitting our stride again with school-type work! This has been a terrific couple of weeks for both of us. Better attitudes all around. (Yes, I mean me, too.)

The highlight of last week was getting to see a performance of Rock the Presidents. It was really more than just "getting to see" it, as the event involved a great deal of audience participation. This is a wonderful show. I'm such a history sap, though, that I cried during the ballad about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. If you get a chance to take your kids, don't miss it.

Cullen's current obsession area of greatest interest is stop motion video and recording video of himself as he plays a computer game. The finished film shows the game screen as he would see it with a smaller screen-in-screen showing himself making a running commentary as he plays. Does that make any sense? Somewhere, he discovered software which would allow him to do this, downloaded it and learned how to use it. I am still wondering who would want to actually watch this sort of thing! He assures me that there is a market. ;o)

Here he is with one of two really cool books we just bought - the old and new testaments of the Bible illustrated with LEGOS. Seriously! He finds them "quite humorous" and tremendously interesting. Great for visually-oriented thinkers. Look for The Brick Bible, The New Testament, and The Brick Bible, A New Spin on the Old Testament.

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